Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Milky Way On The Rocks

Milky Way On The Rocks
Hopewell Rocks
The Rocks Provincial Park, Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick, Canada

Buy print: www.adamwoodworth.com/Night/i-5Z3vBhd

While sitting in a cafe in Lubec, Maine, my friend was searching online and discovered Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick.  Neither of us had heard of it before but we knew we had to go as soon as we saw the photos from there.  The next day we were in Machias, Maine, after a night on the Cutler Coast, and after breakfast we headed up to Hopewell Rocks, about a 4 hour drive away (if you don't stop).

The Hopewell Rocks are at the top of the Bay of Fundy, and can see tide swings as much as 50 feet.  They consist of dark sedimentary conglomerate and standstone rock.  The tides are eroding the bottoms of the rocks faster than rain and wind erode the tops, giving them their top heavy shapes.


  1. I like how you edited this photo. What did you do to make it look like that? The way the Milky Way looks and your foreground.

    1. Thanks Tanner. There's two major parts to the processing of this image: blending the 2 exposures that make up the image, and processing that blend. The sky and the foreground are from separate exposures. Once blended, it's basically just a lot of contrast control, both local contrast adjustments and global adjustments. Some of the adjustments were limited only to the sky or foreground layers. It was very tough to get this blended and edited in a way that looked somewhat realistic but also sticking with my general style of dramatic images. For example, the right lower part of the frame is very dark, but that's not how the original exposure looked for the foreground. The original exposure had much more detail there, but since it was just brown mud and rocks, I didn't want to draw attention to it, so I darkened that part of the image, but you have to do it in a way that doesn't look distracting.
